April 1st is the end of the first financial quarter.
January to March we have met our expenses for the most part.
We are continuing to put away $3000 per month towards our capital reserve.
The capital reserve will help us to afford future larger expenses.
Financially we are on target. Thank you for your generosity.
The first quarter report will be posted on the website soon.
Please consider doing an examination of conscience if you haven’t already and avail yourself of the sacrament of confession.
Starting Saturday, April 2 confessions will be held upstairs in the church in the regular confessional next to the Pietà and in the candle/storage room. Confessions will no longer be heard in the atrium.
You may choose to stand, sit, or kneel in the confessional in the candle/storage room. There will be no red or green light. If the door is open, then the next person in line may enter for confession. If the door is closed, then that means that the confessional is busy.
Please do not sit or stand too close to the outside of the confessional in in the candle room so that whoever is confessing will have some privacy.
We are hiring two positions.
The first one is for a manager who will be responsible for developing strategic human resources initiatives and designing work plans, building programs, policies, tools and learning opportunities to support all employees in aligning their work with the parish mission, vision, and values.
the second position is for a Discipleship and Evangelization Team Leader. Check out our website for more information
Sunday obligation for attending Mass will resume on Palm Sunday (April 10)
After Easter Sunday we will continue to live stream the Saturday 5pm Masses and Solemnities however we will stop live streaming weekday Masses (Tuesday to Friday)
We are looking for people to help with the live streams at the 5pm Saturday Masses. We are looking for people to operate a video camcorder, mix live audio as well as someone to operate the lyrics. Email communications@stmauriceparish.com if you are interested.
Our Holy Week schedule is posted on the website. (Mass, live streams, confessions)
7 people will be brought into the church on Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil. (6 baptisms and one full communion)