• It was great to have such a beautiful Holy Week, Triduum, Divine Mercy Sunday, and Crowing of Mary.   
  • The Alpha program successfully concluded online.  We have a lot of things to be grateful for. 
  • Financially we met our targets for April. 
  • One of the reasons for that was because of our Easter collection. 
  • We usually get quite a bit more for our Easter collection. 
  • It was enough to help us have a stronger April however if you haven’t had a chance to give extra donations for Easter and you would like to, it’s still the Easter season.  You can still give more if you are able. 
  • The first quarter report has been posted on the website under “Give” of the main menu. 
  • When you give, we just want you to know that it not only goes to our monthly operational expenses but also to the capital reserve ($3000 per month). 
  • That way every year the capital reserve will increase by $36,000 for us to put towards larger expenses. 
  • Giving through electronic fund transfer (monthly withdrawal) has been going well.  It started at $12,000 per month and is now up to $14,000. 
  • We bless you and thank you for your generosity to the parish. 
  • If you’re willing to give a little bit more than what you’re already giving at a more regular pace, then it would be much appreciated as we strive to move forward as a parish. 
  • If you’re willing to continue to give what you have been giving we thank you. 
  • We would really appreciate it if you would please consider giving to the parish if you do not currently give. 
  • One of the main steps we’re taking to keep our vision moving forward is by hiring for 2 new positions.  We have put out job postings for a manager and a Discipleship and Evangelization position. 
  • We’re in the process of screening the applications and setting up interviews. 
  • The March for Life will be held on Thursday, May 12 on Parliament Hill.  It would be great if you are able to make it and if you are not, we ask that you please pray for everyone else attending.