Last weekend for his homily for the first Sunday of Lent, Fr. Tim began a series on Stewardship. Fr. Tim broke his homily down into three major areas: Gratitude, Responsibility, and Generosity.
For the benefit of our parishioners in anticipation of Fr. Marcus’ continuation of the series this upcoming weekend, here’s a quick recap of Fr. Tim’s homily:
- “Stewardship is seeing all as Gift.”
- We feel joy when people use the gifts we’ve given them well. God rejoices when we use the spiritual gifts He has given us well.
- The devil tempts us into comparing our gifts to the gifts of others; we stumble when we dwell on what we don’t have rather than what we do have.
- To fight against this trap, we must deliberately practice gratitude — for example, by keeping a Gratitude Journal.
- We must remember to say “Thank You”, to God and to the people around us; develop an “Attitude of Gratitude.”
- When we become grateful for our gifts, it remains a challenge to be responsible with them and use them well: sometimes, we spend too much time dwelling on our weaknesses and incompetencies rather than our giftedness.
- Becoming overwhelmed by trying to be responsible can make us irresponsible. The remedy is to take proper inventory of our Time, Talent, and Treasure — to be responsible with our gifts, we must learn to use the gifts we actually have.
- We learn to give in proportion to what we have — not becoming overwhelmed by giving more than we have, and not underperforming by giving too little.
- We can’t expect millionaire parishioners to just walk into church and solve all our monetary issues. And even if they did, we can’t just sit back and become spiritually complacent. We can’t let a handful of other people do everything for us.
- We all need to play our part and be good stewards of our gifts.
- We need to be generous with our gifts. It shows us how we trust in God.
- It’s a leap of faith to give God more than just our surplus gifts, but it helps us grow.- “We have to lean on His grace to fill in the rest.”
- We need to pray to learn how to be generous with what we have. What is the Lord asking us to do?
- If we give what we have, God will bless us abundantly.