Roles that support the work of other Ministries


Do you have the passion and skills to support the parish communications effort: social media, livestream, website, photography, video, graphic design, lighting, audio, editing?  Join the Communications team and pitch in.  


Print Production
Digital Production

First Aid Responders

A Volunteer First Aid Responder(FAR)  is an individual who has had First aid, CPR&AED training and has made themselves available to respond and assess a first aid or emergency situation during Mass or a parish event.  This is a 3 year external certification and renewal is required. If you already have this training, you simply need to show proof of certification.  An orientation to this ministry is available.  Duties are assigned on a rotational basis when you are available.


We are looking for a group of people who will run the kitchen as a service so that all groups can use it.  This group will establish instructions, support and regular checks to keep the kitchen running smoothly for all users. 

Atrium Technical

A group of people who can help with the audio and visual equipment in the Atrium, or set-up and takedown, for those using the facility who need such support