As a parish family, we gather and enjoy each other's company in various settings and occasions.  We gather as a parish and invite others in our community to join us for fellowship and friendship, praising the Lord for each other.

See the resources pages for invitations to these activities.  

Volunteers are needed to make these gatherings possible, so consider joining as a volunteer to help.


We are currently looking for people with skills and interest in a hospitality ministry to draw together and coordinate all ministries relatewd to hospitality, some of which are shown here.  If you are interested, please contact Deacon Kevin.

To volunteer

Are you a friendly person who likes meeting new people and saying hello to friends?  The greeters meet people as they arrive at the church. We welcome people and answer questions they may have about the Mass, the building or the parish.  We provide a welcoming presence.
Contact Julia Muggeridge

To volunteer
Café Maurice and 55 Plus

Café Maurice is a Friday morning coffee social.  Golden Agers is a Monday afternoon gathering for people 55+ for fellowship, cards and refreshments.  Volunteers are always needed for set-up, snack preparation and clean-up.

To volunteer
Coffee Social

This social time after the 9 AM Mass needs many hands to make it an enjoyable weekly event for the parish family.  Families and friends work together to look after snacks, set-up and clean-up.  To volunteer contact Jee Leung.

Mom's Group

This group meets Wednesday morning after the 9 a.m. mass and is open to any parent of young children who would like a bit of social time, fellowship and conversation. We hope to have regular get-togethers and host special events for families. Volunteers are needed to run this (set-up, clean-up, snacks).

Contact  Ruth Watson

Movies With Meaning

Movies with Meaning is a monthly evening event for adults where we share a film, food and discussion in a relaxed atmosphere.   People are needed for set-up and clean-up.  
